Open Xchange can stop creating users added from the Univention GUI when the listener files encounter an error and it blocks the process. Cleaning up the log is obviously the desirable method but if you are in a bind or if you cannot find or fix the cause, you can optionally create users in Open Xchange using the shell in the meantime.

First, SSH into the OX server and then log in as root using the command sudo -i

Then run the command:

/opt/open-xchange/sbin/createuser -c 10 -A oxadmin -P $(< /etc/ox-secrets/context10.secret)  -u jameskirk -d “James Kirk” -g “James” -s “Kirk” -p Password123 -e –imaplogin jameskirk

Just replace James Kirk and Password123 with your own, hopefully more secure password.

To display a list of OX users, use the command:

/opt/open-xchange/sbin/listuser -c 10 -A oxadmin -P $(< /etc/ox-secrets/context10.secret)

Finally, log un to the UCS UI and create an identical user with identical credentials so that the user can also log in to other UCS apps.

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