In this example, we will be using Debian and putty to connect to a Cisco Catalyst 3850 using the USB to Serial cable for console access.

If you don’t already have Putty installed, use the sudo apt install putty command to install it.

Plug in a USB cable from your computer/laptop to the Cisco switch, then wait a minute and execute the sudo dmesg | grep tty command.

Look at the output which will display the TTY port name, most likely ttyACM0.

Next, run the sudo putty command to open the Putty console.

In the session screen, change the connection type to serial. Change the serial line name to /dev/ACM0 or whatever the tty USB port name showed when you grepped it.

In the connection –> serial dialog box, set the following parameters:

serial line: it should be /dev/ttyACM0 (or the name of your USB serial port)

speed: 9600 baud

data bits: 8

stop bits: 1

parity: none

flow control: none


Click on the open button go access the serial console.

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