Note: This article covers changing the password for the user account used to scan to SMB. It does not explain how to set up a user account for scanning or how to configure the scan to folder.
Login in using default user admin and password: 1111 unless you have changed it from the default.
Click on the properties icon and expand Apps –> Workflow Scanning –> File Repository Setup
You will the the account in the file destinations as shown below.
Click on the account and then click on the edit button. Scroll down to the login credentials and destination section and set the new password.
DO NOT test the destination path, it will not work until the device has restarted.
Click on the home icon on top then scroll down the page all the way to the bottom. from there, click on the reboot device icon.
After the device initializes, log back in and click on the properties icon. navigate to apps –> workflow scanning –> file repository setup. Highlight the account and click on the destination test icon.
Enter the user password and click on the start test button.
if the password is correct, you should see the results shown below.